Alumakini on the TR4 – Part II

Last post listed the new modified “Surrey” top on my cousin Jim’s TR4.  Perhaps it is more of an “alumakini” but either way you look at it, it is a quick way to get the sun off your head and make the car a little more enjoyable while still being unique.  Granted, this is not everyone’s cup-of-tea, but if you are looking for “original” then you are in the wrong website.

The following pictures show the “wing” section now fully welded on.  Not only does it look trick, it is fully functional.  The new alumakini provides not only some needed shade but it has made the driving experience much enjoyable:  not as much buffeting and to boost a little downforce provided by the lip.  Nice.

Note the interior in the picture above.  The seats are not “original” Triumph issue.  These have been made from scratch, they are all aluminium.  A local upholstery shop made the covers.  That shop also made the door panels.

The following are closeups of the spoiler.  Sure the top has not been fully finished but you get the idea.  Since this is aluminium, it will need to be etched and then a couple of coats of sanding primer followed by paint.  I’ll have updates when they become available…

Comments?  Drop a line and let us know what you think.


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